1.1 This policy and procedure is established for the benefit of all existing or potential customers, including Learners, and is provided to deal with Enquiries, Complaints and Appeals relating to training provided by Practical Skill Training Ltd that leads to qualifications awarded by the Awarding Organisation, First Aid Awards Ltd (hereinafter referred to as FAA).
1.2. It is a principle of this policy that all enquiries, complaints and appeals are dealt with quickly, fairly and thoroughly. It is hoped that issues will normally be resolved amicably through informal dialogue between the parties concerned. However, where this is not possible, the following formal procedures will be applied.
1.3. For the benefit of all parties, Awarding Organisations and Regulatory Bodies, it is important that all enquiries are acknowledged within 48 hours, for all enquiries received during office hours 9am - 5pm, Monday to Friday excluding weekends and Bank Holidays, and dealt with, where possible, within 5 working days.
1.4. Where a complaint or appeal identifies a failure in the assessment process, or a weakness is discovered which does not affect the actual outcome of the issue that has been considered, Practical Skill Training will take all reasonable steps to:
a) Identify any other Learner(s) who has been affected
b) Correct or, where it cannot be corrected, mitigate as far as possible the effects of any failure
c) Ensure that the failure does not recur in the future
d) Rectify any weakness discovered
Practical Skill Training LTD will review this policy periodically and revise it as necessary in response to customer and candidate feedback, changes in FAA policies and practices, actions from the regulatory authorities or external agencies or changes in legislation. Practical Skill Training welcome feedback or views of interested parties to ensure the policy is fit for purpose. If you would like to feedback any views, or if you have any questions concerning this policy, please contact us via the details provided at the end of this policy.
2. Complaints
2.1. Complaints may relate to dissatisfaction concerning:
a) Content or conduct of courses leading to FAA qualifications
b) Assessment process
c) Alleged miss-selling or unfair eligibility conditions
d) Failure to make appropriate reasonable adjustments for Learners
e) This list is not exhaustive
2.2. Where a complaint is not immediately resolved by informal discussion with the complainant, complaints will be dealt with under the formal procedures as set out in paras 3.3 to 3.9.
2.4. Validity of Complaints - The application of the formal complaints procedure will only be taken with the knowledge or consent of the complainant. The initial contact may clearly indicate this to be appropriate, otherwise the complainant will be asked if they wish to raise the matter formally. It is expected that the complainant should provide their name, although such personal data will be kept confidential unless this would prevent a full investigation.
2.5. Initial Complaint - Complaints relating to the conduct of Practical Skill Training should be first raised within 28 days of the issue arising and will be dealt with under the following procedure. Where the complainant is unable, for any reason, to refer the complaint directly to Practical Skill Training, they may refer the matter directly to FAA.
2.6. When a complaint, or review application, is received, Practical Skill Training will:
· Acknowledge receipt within 5 working days
· Request any further information that may be required
· Arrange for appropriate Centre personnel to examine the complaint
2.7 Aim to examine the complaint and respond within 20 working days of receipt of the complaint. (Where it is possible that the processes may take longer we will contact the parties concerned to inform them of the likely revised timescale)
2.8 Inform the complainant of the outcome within 5 working days of the decision being made
2.9 Inform the complainant that, if they are still not happy with the outcome, they may request that the matter be referred to FAA, (The Awarding Organisation) or the relevant Regulatory Body (Ofqual or SQA Accreditation)
2.10. Where, as a result of investigations, Practical Skill Training find evidence of possible maladministration or malpractice, Practical Skill Training will inform FAA and take appropriate remedial action
3. Complaint Review
3.1 If the complainant is not happy with the outcome of their initial complaint, they may request a review of the decision. Application for review must be in writing setting out the reasons for the request.
3.2 On receiving a review request, Practical Skill Training will carry out a thorough examination of the complainant’s reasons, seek further information or guidance that may be needed and, if felt appropriate, involve an independent person that is appropriately qualified.
3.3 Practical Skill Training aim to complete the review and respond within 20 working days of receipt of the review application. If a longer period is needed the complainant will be informed.
3.4 Practical Skill Training will convey the results of the review in writing and indicate that, if the complainant is still not happy with the outcome, they may request that the matter be referred to FAA (The Awarding Organisation) or the relevant Regulatory Authority for review.
3.5 Learners undertaking qualifications delivered by Further Education Colleges, Local Authorities or any other public service body in Scotland, may escalate a complaint to the Scottish Public Service Ombudsman (SPSO).
3. Appeals
3.1. Appeals relate to issues raised by aggrieved persons over a decision made by Practical Skill Training, for example, in regard to eligibility or assessment results relating to qualifications awarded by FAA.
3.2. Appeals received by Practical Skill Training will be dealt with under the following APPEALS POLICY and PROCEDURE:
3.3. Initial Appeal: Appeals must be submitted in writing or email and should contain as much information as may be needed to properly consider the appeal. On receipt of an appeal, Practical Skill Training will:
· Acknowledge receipt of the appeal within 5 working days of receipt
· Request any further information, oral or written, that may be required
· Arrange for appropriate Centre personnel to examine the appeal
· Aim to review the appeal and respond within 28 working days of receipt of the appeal.
· Inform the appellant of the outcome within 5 working days of deciding the outcome
3.4. In some cases the process may take longer; in such instances, PST will contact the parties concerned to inform them of the likely revised timescale
3.5. Where, as a result of investigations, Practical Skill Training find evidence of possible maladministration or malpractice Practical Skill Training will inform FAA and take appropriate remedial action
3.6. Appeal Review
3.7. If the appellant is not happy with the outcome of their initial appeal, they may request a review of the decision. Application for review must be in writing setting out the reasons for the request.
3.8. Reviews of appeal decisions will be considered by an Appeals Panel, comprising at least two senior representatives of the Centre plus an independent person. The independent member will not be a Centre employee, an Assessor working for the Centre, or otherwise connected to the Centre and will possess appropriate competence to consider and contribute to a decision in the matter being appealed. Members of the Panel will have had no direct involvement in the original decision which the appellant has appealed against.
3.9. Practical Skill Training aim to complete the review and respond within 20 working days of receipt of the review application. If a longer period is needed Practical Skill Training will inform the parties concerned.
3.10. Practical Skill Training will convey the results of the review in writing and indicate that the decision of the Appeals Panel will be final as far as this Centre is concerned but, if the complainant is still not happy with the outcome, they may request that the matter be referred to FAA or the relevant Regulatory Authority for review.
3.12. If an appellant is unhappy with the decision of this Centre at any stage, they may refer, or ask Practical Skill Training to refer, the matter to FAA or the appropriate qualification regulator (e.g. Ofqual or SQA Accreditation). It should be noted that the Regulatory Bodies will examine processes but will not, themselves, change assessment decisions.
4.1. Data protection
Practical Skill Training LTD. reserve the right, in exceptional circumstances such as where a complaint or appeal is regarded as frivolous or vexatious, to charge complainants or appellants a fee to cover the administrative and personal costs where such actions are dismissed accordingly.
Practical Skill Training Ltd, 13 Castle Close Totternhoe Dunstable Beds LU6 1QJ
4.5. Enquiries will be received initially by the Centre’s Support and Administration staff and then, if necessary, transferred to the relevant member of staff.